All about our teeth 🦷

At the age of 2-3 years, we get a new set of teeth called Primary Teeth, Baby Teeth or Milk Teeth. After you get older around 5-6 years of age, these primary teeth begin to fall one after the other because it is being pushed out of the way by the permanent tooth behind it and replaces the primary teeth. By the time you are around 12-13 most of you have lost all your baby teeth and have a full set of permanent teeth. but it’s not over yet between the age of 17-25 most of you will have four teeth called wisdom teeth that grow at the back of the mouth to complete the adult set of 32 shiny white teeth.

These 32 sets are divided into 4 different types. Let’s start with the Incisors –

  • These are your eight front teeth with four on the top and four at the bottom.
  • They help you to cut your food in small pieces making it easier to swallow.

This is Canine. Let’s read about Canines –

  • These are the sharp, pointy teeth next to your incisors.
  • There are two on the bottom and two on the top. They help you tear food, especially chewy foods like meat.

This is Premolar. Now, this is about Premolar –

  • Premolars are also called bicuspids.
  • They are located next to your canine teeth they are somewhat flat with ridges on top, they are stronger than your incisors and canines but not the strongest.

This is Molar. Let’s learn about Molors –

  • Molars located in the back of your mouth and they are four on both the top and the bottom.
  • Finally, comes the fifth type of tooth that is somewhat rare in most people. The third molar is also known as the wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth sometimes must be removed because they can crowd and damage other teeth causing pain.

Trivia Time

Did you know experts believe that wisdom teeth may have been needed by people millions of years ago who had larger jaws and ate food that required a lot of chewing like meat. Also, Did you know that right-handed people chew on the right side of their mouths and left-handed people chew food on the left side if not then do observe friends and family’s eating pattern but do not go too close to their mouth or else it will be awkward for them haha haha!!!


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